Contact information and opening hours for our bakeries, pâtisseries and chocolateries in St-Prex, Yens, Rolle and Gland
Would you like to order cakes or pastries, or book our catering service?
Have a question about our bread, pâtisserie or viennoiserie? Call us or use the form below to request a quote.
Saint-Prex store
Yens store
Rolle store
Gland store
Shop in Saint Prex
End of year party
Shop in Yen
Adresse St-Prex
Artisan Gourmand Sàrl
Rue du Pont-Levis 20
1162 St-Prex
Adresse Rolle
Artisan Gourmand Sàrl
Grand Rue 23
1188 Rolle
Adresse Yens
Artisan Gourmand Sàrl
Chemin de la Poste 4
1169 Yens
Adresse Gland
Artisan Gourmand Sàrl
Rue du Borgeaud 9b
1196 Gland
St.-Prex :
021 525 22 92
Yens : 021 599 00 10
Rolle : 021 357 71 74
Gland : 022 556 76 16